Lindsay Groves

I qualified as a physiotherapist in 1975 (BSc Physiotherapy) and then went on to study medicine and qualified as a medical practitioner (MB,ChB) in 1983 , both degrees from the University of Cape Town in South Africa.
In 1989 I returned to the UK with my family (husband and then two children aged 3 years and 1 year). I worked part time in various disciplines of medicine including general practice and anaesthetics whilst bringing up the children. Our third child was born in 1992 and it was at this stage that I settled on a career in Paediatrics. I obtained further qualifications including Diplomas in Anaesthetics, Community Child Health and Family Planning, MRCPH and MSc in Interprofessional Child Protection Studies.
I have worked as a Community Paediatrician for the (now) Betsi Cadwaladhr University Health Board since 1993.
As part of my Community Paediatric responsibility, I became the Lead Doctor for Safeguarding Children for Conwy from 1993, and in 2012 I took on the role of Named Doctor Safeguarding Children for the Betsi Cadwaladhr University Health Board. I have therefore very many years of experience in the field of safeguarding children. I am a member of the Regional (North Wales) Safeguarding Children Board and an active member of the Child Practice Review Subgroup. I am the clinical paediatric lead for the North Wales SARC (Sexual Assault Referral Centre) and am one of six paediatricians across North Wales who provide a 24 hour service to provide forensic examinations for children who may have been sexually abused.
As one of my first tasks as Named Doctor Safegaurding Children I led the implementation of the PRUDIC (Procedural Response to the Unexpected Deaths in Children) in North Wales. It was whilst doing this that I first met Rhian and became aware of the charity 2wish. Rhian and I have kept in touch ever since. I chair our local Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP) and was pleased to welcome Rhian to one of our meetings.
I am the Lead Doctor for Looked after Children (LAC) North Wales and the Medical Advisor Adoption for Conwy (one of the six Local Authorities in North Wales). I represent the Health Board at the North Wales Adoption Service Partnership Board and am on the LAC steering group of the NHS Wales Safeguarding Network. I am also the Medical Advisor to the National Adoption Service Advisory Board (Wales).
I am passionate about the rights of the child and that the ‘voice of the child’ is always heard. I am a passionate advocate for children with disabilities and work to ensure that they reach their full potential and are protected from prejudice, discrimination and bullying. I am passionate that children in care or who are accommodated are enabled to achieve their educational potential and experience fulfilled happy and healthy lives.
I have always taken an interest in and been hugely Impressed by the work done by 2wish. I know they have provided support to countless families who have suffered the unexpected and tragic death of a child.
I feel honoured to have been asked to be a Trustee of this charity.