Caron’s Story

Caron’s Story

“This is me, aged 2 years 10 months, and my brother Christopher, aged 7 months. Those who know me, know my brother Nicky but may not know about Christopher, our middle sibling. Unbelievably, Christopher passed away just 4 days after this photograph was taken. A perfectly fit and healthy baby boy just went to sleep and never woke up.

Cot Death, as it was referred to in 1971, was the cause and the most traumatic event for my parents that I can still remember even though I was so young. Our parents and their families suffered so much at this incomprehensible loss.

Our Mum, God bless her, talks about the physical pain of wanting to hold him after he was gone, only a parent who has lost a child can truly understand.”

An Important Milestone

March 8th is a significant date for Caron and her family. It marks, not only the anniversary of her brother Christopher’s passing, but this year marks 10 years since Caron underwent surgery for her breast cancer diagnosis. This was a huge milestone for Caron, and so to commemorate her brother and celebrate own journey as cancer survivor, she decided to mark the occasion by taking on the Great Welsh Marathon at Pembrey Country Park earlier this year on 2nd April.

We were truly honoured that not only did Caron decide to take on this challenge in memory of her beloved brother, but also to raise funds for 2wish, in order to help us offer support that was sadly not available for her and her family at the time of their loss. Support that Caron was glad to see good friends, Cathy and Carl receive from 2wish when they tragically lost their son, Alex in December 2022.

We were delighted when Caron, her Mum and brother Nicky, dropped into the 2wish office for an official cheque presentation to mark their incredible fundraising efforts. We were completely blown away by their generosity and dedication. This money will make a huge difference to those affected by the sudden death of a child or young person in Wales.

Just some of the ways Caron’s kind donation can be used include…

  • 34 counselling sessions
  • 28 children’s play therapy sessions
  • 44 complimentary therapy sessions
  • 41 memory boxes
  • 6 family support events


From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to Caron and her family for supporting 2wish. If you would like to run for 2wish, in the next Great Welsh Marathon you can find more information here! 

Furthermore, we would like to thank Caron and family for allowing us to share their story, so that others who may find themselves in a similar situation, know that they are not alone in their grief. Bereavement doesn’t have a time limit, as Caron’s story illustrates, those affected can feel the impact of the death of a loved one throughout their lives. If you have ever been affected by the sudden and traumatic death of a child or young adult aged 25 or under, at any point in your life, you can seek support here.