Professional Support

You Can't Pour From an Empty Cup

We strive to work with professionals to ensure that we can offer support in a number of confidential ways, that fit with work commitments and daily life. This includes counselling and complementary therapies

For a long time, the perception has been that emergency services are somehow different, somehow invincible, and they shouldn’t experience mental health problems.

Mental health problems can affect anyone, no matter their occupation. For further information and support check out MIND—Blue Light Programme

It may be assumed that because your job role may encounter death, that it won’t affect you and you become used to it. However, we know that this isn’t necessarily the case.

And it’s not only the emergency services that are affected. Sudden death in young people can impact anyone, in any profession. 

We are here to support you! If you need support please get in touch.

    Or call us on 01443 853125.

    Coffee Mornings for Professionals

    Our support team in England hosts coffee mornings specifically catering towards professionals who have been affected by the sudden death of a child or young person. Whether you’re a teacher, sports team leader or first responder, you’ll find a warm welcome at these events, with like-minded individuals sharing in similar experiences.

    If you would to come along to one of these events, or have an idea for a new venue then please contact with your enquiry. View the full map of support events HERE.