“Sebby’s Story” by Katheryn – Navigating Grief at Christmas

We were honoured to speak to Katheryn, recently who shared her story with us of losing Sebastian (or Sebby, as he was affectionately known) and navigating grief at Christmas.

In her own words, this is what Katheryn had to say…

Sebastian, “Sebby” as we called him was a non-identical twin born at 33+1 weeks gestation. He was a sweet, loving baby boy who adored his twin brother and mommy. He had a massive smile and loved to be cuddled and tickled. He was developing his cheeky personality when his life was cut short suddenly and unexpectedly, aged almost 7 months, for reasons still unknown after post-mortem investigations. I miss my little boy every second of every day. Being a twin, I see how his brother Max is developing and wonder what Sebby would have been like now. Losing him has made me very anxious for my other children since they couldn’t find a reason why he passed.

Approaching Christmas is tough as he was still here this time last year, and we still have decorations with his name on them. Christmas was always a happy occasion, but it will feel empty without him here. I certainly feel like part of me died with him. My advice to others at Christmas would be to put up pictures still and, decorations of their lost loved one. Include them as if they were still here and try to celebrate them even though it’s hard. If you know someone who is grieving, check in on them. They might be suffering in silence.

I have received support from 2wish from the beginning in terms of home visits and phone calls. I am participating in counselling sessions and reflexology. I have recently started attending coffee mornings too where I have met other families who have tragically lost a child. Whilst extremely heartbreaking, it does make you feel like you’re not alone as losing a child can make you feel very isolated. I am grateful for the support I have received.

We understand that Christmas can be a difficult time for so many, for a number of different reasons. If you have been affected by the death of a child or young person, and need support this festive season please reach out to us at [email protected]