
This May we are raising awareness of child loss and giving recognition and support to all the parents that have suffered the tragic and unimaginable heartbreak of losing a child.

When a parent loses a child, it goes against what nature intended. A parent is supposed to predecease their children. No-one expects their child to die before them. It is out of the natural order of things and something that should never happen, but unfortunately the familiarity of this grave loss is experienced by many. A loss that will change a parent’s identity and existence forever.

Until recent years, there has been no commonly used word to describe a parent whose child has died. The lack of a word to describe this new way of existing has been difficult for many, so a new word was introduced from the ancient scripture to respectfully describe the aftermath of who you become after your child dies- ‘Vilomah’.

Vilomah is a complicated concept wrapped up in a small but powerful word. Its meaning embodies everything that is when a parent has to bury their child. It goes against a natural order.

So join us for through the month of May for ‘ViloMay’ to help raise awareness of child loss, break the taboo and show support to bereaved parents everywhere.
We hope to help raise awareness of the support available to bereaved parents and also help others understand a little better how they can help those in need.

Take part in ViloMay by wearing your 2wish star pin badge to raise awareness of child loss and to support all the bereaved parents, who have had to experience unimaginable loss and who carry their inexplicable grief with them always.

If you are a bereaved parent, please join us in sharing your story and help us break the taboo around talking about child loss while uniting with others to commemorate the lives of the children taken too soon.

Snap a photo wearing your star badge and share your image by using the #vilomay tagging us @2wishcharity