Thomas ‘Tom’ Cody

Tom was our beautiful boy with a big personality and an even bigger heart.
He had the most infectious laugh and the brightest smile.
He would do anything to help anyone.
He hated seeing anyone upset, always did his best to cheer you up, make you happy or put a smile on your face.
On 21st February 2017, 12 days before his 25th birthday, he was a back-seat passenger in a car. The driver lost control of the car, it spun sideways into a tree. Tom died on impact.
At approximately 11:20 that night as I was getting into bed, the door knocked and there were three police officers. I immediately knew something awful had happened. When our Family Liaison Officer explained about the crash and that the deceased person in the car was our son, words cannot explain how that felt. We were told that we would have to identify Tom’s body, those words will haunt me forever.
Seeing our son’s body lying there was the worst experience of my life and I doubt I will ever get over that. The hardest thing I’ve ever had to hear was that my child died. The hardest thing that I’ve ever done is to live every day since that moment. We came back from the mortuary at 3:50am and immediately started phoning and visiting our nearest family members.
Our family liaison officer contacted 2 Wish on our behalf. Without 2 Wish Upon a Star, I don’t think we honestly would get through this. Rhian is an absolutely incredible lady. This amazing charity she has started, out of her own personal heartbreak and devastation, has helped so many other families, including ours, immensely, for that we will all be eternally grateful.
Counselling in many different forms has been available to us from the beginning. I’m currently having a course of reflexology therapy which is incredible. For the hour session, I can switch off from reality and forget the heartache. I cannot praise Wendy, Louise and Leanne highly enough for their support, help and for just being there when we need them.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts xxxxx