Support Events

Support events are a great way of bringing people together with similar shared experiences. From bereaved parents, and siblings, to grandparents, professionals and first responders, we’re sure you’ll find an event near you.

Community is a key part of what makes 2wish unique. We believe it forms a vital aspect of the grieving journey and the benefits of forming connections with individuals who understand your grief, can be priceless.

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Contact Us

We’re always open to feedback and suggestions for new and existing events. We want to make sure that we are providing the most beneficial experience possible for bereaved individuals. If you have an idea for a new venue or activity, we’d like to hear from you.

Simply fill in the contact form with your ideas and feedback, or email [email protected]

Did you know that we also host coffee mornings specifically tailored to professionals?

These informal meet-ups are a great opportunity to come together with other individuals who have been affected by the sudden death of a child or young person, as part of their employment. Whether you’re a teacher, sports group leader, or first-responder; you’ll find a warm welcome at these friendly sessions.