Ffion Jones

Ffion, our youngest daughter passed away suddenly with undiagnosed Addison’s disease in December 2016 following a short flu like illness.
Like other parents in our position, you never entertain that it will happen to you. When Ffion passed away aged 12, we felt as though our whole world had caved in.
The pain exists just as much now as it did then, but we have wonderful memories of a sporty, funny, bubbly, caring and friendly daughter.
When we were given a memory box at Heath Hospital by the amazing nurses on the ITU ward it showed that others had been through these dark times and that they cared.
In the immediate days afterwards, we were at our lowest ebb, but I remember visiting the 2 Wish Upon A Star website and hearing Rhian’s journey. That moment probably prevented something in my mind that was consuming my every thought just to escape the unbearable feeling of grief.
Grief affects everybody differently and we never thought that we would smile or laugh ever again. A cornerstone of our world had just gone in an instant.
The impact the death of a child has is far reaching. Parents, sister, grandparent, aunties and uncles, family, friends and teachers are all affected.
Luckily my family and I were provided with counselling sessions that were provided by 2 Wish Upon A Star funding and I am extremely grateful to the charity. The charity will always be special for us.
Counselling enabled us to talk honestly and openly in an environment to get things off our chest that we wouldn’t normally talk about. We have no doubt that counselling has enabled us to look at grief in a different light.
Rhian and 2 Wish Upon A Star have helped no end and have welcomed us into their circle and for that we will be forever grateful.
Thank you from all the Jones/ Hobbs family.
Ant & Steph x