When a child dies suddenly and unexpectedly, professionals from various backgrounds are there for grieving families. They offer care, compassion, and guidance to help families navigate their profound loss. From emergency services, providing immediate comfort and structure to families and witnesses during their darkest moments, to caregivers and educators supporting siblings, friends, and classmates through their grief.
The sudden death of a young person can touch anyone, in any profession, leaving a lasting impact on those who encounter such tragedies in their work.
Exposure to grief and trauma can lead to emotional fatigue, burnout, and even long-term health challenges. This may have an immediate impact on some professionals, or it may take days, weeks, months, or years.
At 2wish & 2wish Cymru, we will be shining a light on the impact child death can have on professionals, and the hidden emotional toll people in these professions face in our current Professionals Support Campaign.
Our campaign is built around a simple yet powerful truth, ‘you can’t pour from an empty cup.’
Our aim is to bring focus onto the importance of prioritising your own mental health as a professional and seeking support if you have been affected.
You cannot help others if you yourself are not taken care of first.
Join us as we help professionals, so they can continue to make the incredible difference in the world that they make every day.
From debriefing sessions to counselling, we offer a wide range of support services.
Download resources here to find out more about bereavement support in your workplace.
Join us at an event happening near you, with other like-minded individuals.
15 January 2025
Ground Floor,
Unit 7,
Magden park,
CF72 8XT